Effective Hearing Loss Treatments

Effective Hearing Loss Treatments

Conductive and sensorineural are the two types of hearing loss that impacts a person’s ability to hear sounds from the outside world. The type of hearing loss a person is diagnosed with is based on the cause of hearing loss. Treatments for hearing loss differ according to the cause and the type of hearing loss the person is diagnosed with. Luckily, numerous hearing loss treatments offer a solution for people suffering from the condition:

1. Hearing aids
Many people wear hearing aids when they suffer from hearing loss. This device amplifies noises so they’re easier to hear. Analog and digital hearing aid devices are now available, with several styles and brands of each available. The hearing aid has improved significantly over the years and now they’re available in smaller sizes with better hearing capabilities. A doctor must prescribe a prescription for a hearing aid, although the patient is free to pick and choose the style they most prefer.

2. Cochlear implants
Hearing aids cannot restore hearing loss caused by severe inner ear damage. A cochlear implant is used in this case. This implant bypasses the damaged areas of the ear and sends sound directly to the auditory nerve. This implant contains a microphone that fits behind the ear and a transmitter that is placed underneath the skin. This treatment is used by adults who are deaf and who are seriously earing-impaired. When used in children, the implant may also help improve speech.

3. Ear wax removal
Cerumen, also known as earwax, is produced in the ear canal. It protects the ear against foreign particles that could damage the inner ear and eardrum. It also prevents skin irritation. Most excess wax finds its way out of the ear canal and washes away from the ear opening, but this sometimes doesn’t happen and build up occurs. The excess wax buildup may cause hearing loss! Removing wax blockage is something that can be done at home or via a physician. It is, however, a problem that shouldn’t be resolved by using cotton swabs to remove the wax blockage. Doing this may only worsen the problem. Wax blockage is a common cause of temporary hearing loss, but one of the less severe causes. It is best to at least phone your doctor to learn more about the best and the safest wax removal options.

4. Hearing loss surgery
Surgical procedures for hearing loss aren’t common, except in the case of the non-invasive cochlear surgical implant. Individuals who suffer from conductive hearing loss may resolve the condition via a surgical procedure. However, most doctors prefer treating hearing loss with hearing aid devices when possible. They offer the most practical solution for hearing loss. Surgery is the preferred treatment when a tumor exists in the ear when a life-threatening condition occurs.