Foods to Manage Erectile Dysfunction

Foods to Manage Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is the inability for a man to obtain or sustain an erection. Although this is the main detection of ED, some other symptoms may include, but are not limited, to premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation. There are many causes for one to experience erectile dysfunction and they include: diabetes, obesity, hypertension, stress, and basic increases in age. Traditional treatment methods include a determination of the underlying issues at hand and can be different for everyone:

1. Lycopene in watermelon
The compounds that are found in watermelon are naturally formulated to imitate ED medications within your blood vessels. The effects on your blood vessels causes them to open more which increases blood flow throughout your body. This ultimately can increase your sex drive.

2. Zinc in oysters
All shellfish, especially oysters are packed with zinc. The human body usually lacks this nutrient and we are unaware that the vitamin is low. Zinc is a natural form that can increase your sex drive and increase stamina.

3. Caffeine in coffee
Studies show that men who drink up to three cups of coffee were less likely to have erectile dysfunction. This is because caffeine is a boost to your body’s blood flow. So this is the reason why when you drink your morning coffee, you have energy and spunk to take on the day.

4. Nitric oxide in dark chocolate
Dark chocolate, when consumed sparingly, can increase your blood flow. The increase in blood flow can be a direct impact on your erectile dysfunction. It also can help lower your blood pressure. The dark chocolate alerts your body to create more and this is the result that will positively affect your ED.

5. Amino acids in nuts
Nuts, especially walnuts are packed with arginine. This is an amino acid that the body uses to make nitric oxide. So these nuts are not so crazy. They are increasing your blood flow and you don’t even see the process. The recommended amount is approximately a cup weekly.

6. Nitric acid in juice
Juice that is 100% pure holds a lot of nutrients that can be helpful for our bodies. The main nutrient in concord grape juice can drastically increase the amount of nitric oxide which in return open your blood vessels and assist you in eliminating your ED.

7. Nutrients in garlic
Garlic has a natural ability to clear blood vessels and keep your arteries clear and healthy. Garlic clears the plaque that forms on the walls of your arteries. When the blood flow is cut off or reduced it can be a cause of erectile dysfunction.

8. Omega-3 fatty acids
Omega-3 fatty acids that can be found in fish such as salmon. These omega-3 fatty acids increase nitric oxide amounts in the body. They also lower your blood pressure and lower your risk for heart attacks. Blood clots are also less likely prone to attack your body with a weekly intake of salmon.

9. Nitric acid in greens
Kale is an organic form of nitric oxide. The vitamins and omega-3 nutrients found in kale can boost your blood flow and clear away debris from your arteries.