Healthy Snacks For Kids

Healthy Snacks For Kids

Kids require snacks when you are on the go. Today’s families are very busy between work, extracurricular activities, tutoring, dance, and sports. If your kids are heavily involved in sports then you know how necessary it is to keep snacks for kids on hand to curb those cravings and keep energy levels up. It is equally as important to keep protein rich snacks and healthy snacks available that are nourishing. These 3 types of snacks to fuel your kids naturally:

1. Fresh fruit and vegetables
It might not always be ideal to carry fresh fruit and vegetables around but if you meal prep and keep some cut up in reusable storage containers you can easily transport snacks such as grapes, berries, carrots and celery. Bonus points if you are able to get these from the organic produce section. If you are spending a day at a ball field or out and about where picnicking will be an option then these would be easy to toss in a large cooler or picnic basket.

2. Nutritious protein and fiber bars
These can get tricky and it is important to read the labels thoroughly. If you are unsure about certain ingredients then the best bet is to go to your local health food store. The experienced and well versed associates will be able to break down all of the ingredients in certain brands for you and help you discover a protein rich snack bar that your children will love. These are filling and often full of nutritious grains and dehydrated fruits that make them both healthy and delicious.

3. Snack pouches
Convenience is key for many parents. You cannot get more convenient then the easy to carry snack pouches that a lot of big brands have been producing lately. These are often filled with applesauce and fruit purees. Some also have vegetables mixed with the fruits and chia seeds. As with all products you must familiarize yourself with the ingredients. The ingredients should only include fruits and vegetables. If you start seeing additives such as high fructose corn syrup then steer clear. You can make these from home if you are unsure of the ingredients in store bought ones. The reusable pouches can be purchased online and you simply puree your child’s favorite fruits and vegetables then add some chia seeds for added omega-3 properties. Store in the fridge for up to a week and take them with whenever you know you will be out for a substantial amount of time. These nutrient packed purees will give your little ones a much needed boost to keep them focused and healthy.

It is important to remember that there are plenty of other healthy snacks that you can purchase premade from your local grocery store or make fresh from home. Depending upon your flexibility and availability to eat these snacks you may be able to supply salads, hummus with fresh cut vegetables and homemade granola, as well as healthy nut butters that are full of omega-3 fatty acids and protein to keep your kids energized and satisfied.