Lifestyle Changes for ADHD

Lifestyle Changes for ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (or ADHD) is a cognitive disorder that involves the cerebral cortex, which controls the entire brain. ADHD symptoms stem from dysregulation of attention, excessive hyper-focus, time blindness, emotional dysregulation, severe anxiety, depression and more. While doctor-prescribed medication may help to manage symptoms of ADHD, maintaining a poor diet and lack of structure can agitate symptoms. Thankfully, there are some lifestyle modifications that can help.

Read on to learn lifestyle coping mechanisms to help manage ADHD:

1. Diet
Many ADHD brains crave sugar because they are searching for a dopamine rush that is lacking in neurotypical brains. This can become a vicious cycle and cause dysregulation. Sugar also causes inflammation, which is known to aggravate the body in general but especially those with ADHD and depression. Eliminating sugar has helped many people find more neurological balance. Additionally, omega 3’s, essential fatty acids and micronutrients have been found to be a helpful part of an ADHD diet.

2. Exercise
ADHD is thought to be caused by a lack of stimulation in the brain. When ADHD brains are bored, then symptoms can become magnified. Exercise such as martial arts is helpful because it engages your body as well as your mind. When your brain needs to coordinate many elements at once, then it gains the stimulation it is craving. However, even exercise as simple as walking fast can help because it increases dopamine which is lacking in ADHD brains.

3. Cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy, also known as CBT is a type of therapy that gives you tools to manage ADHD in your everyday life. Some examples are breathing exercises and writing exercises that help you reframe negative thoughts. This can help prevent symptoms such as anxiety as well as manage it in real-time. Always work with a medical professional who specializes in CBT and always consult with a medical professional before making any lifestyle changes.

4. Meditation
The proven benefits of meditation include regulation of the parasympathetic nervous system functions such as breathing and heart rate which can help manage anxiety and quality of sleep. Meditation also helps bring the brain back to a more cohesive state where all the parts can work together which can help with focusing and other areas of life.

5. Create systems
Not everyone with an ADHD diagnosis has the same set of symptoms. For those who have trouble staying organized and feel easily overwhelmed, it can be helpful to create systems. Because everyone is different, the idea is to find systems that work best for you. Examples of systems include laying out your clothing the night before so you do not have to think in the morning or using a planner. This will take a lot of experimentation, but exploring this can lead to tremendous results.

6. Routine
Many people with ADHD thrive when they have a routine. It is often difficult to implement but once it is solidified it can help make life much easier. Sticking to a routine has been shown to decrease anxiety and create a more efficient and productive day. Better yet, incorporating systems within a routine can be even more beneficial. When someone with ADHD does not have to think about the everyday mundane tasks and process of life, then it is easier for their brain to focus.