PC gaming versus gaming console

PC gaming versus gaming console

PC gaming and console gaming are fundamentally different from each other and they have their respective league of fans. Often, people tend to compare them both as they are platforms for video games. It is synonymous to comparing pizza with a burger–they are different recipes meant to quell the hunger. The patrons of these gaming platforms vary in their quest to better gaming experience.

Some of the differences can be elicited by explaining the features:

  • For the laid back, gaming consoles are suitable as they are easy to use from the comfort of a couch. For those that are looking for a bit of a challenge, PC gaming will offer that satisfaction. Gaming consoles are readymade and ready-to-use gadgets, which have dedicated games. PCs are constructed by the gamer with his choice of hardware. PC gamer finds satisfaction in creating their own masterpiece.
  • Gaming consoles come with fixed price tags, which make it easier for people to choose from the different brands available in the market. PCs are often expensive as they are customized to the requirements of the gamer. Every component is chosen by the gamer. These components have no boundaries. Artistry plays an important role, which is bound to push up the price of the end product.
  • Games are primarily developed for gaming consoles. They are available for PCs only later. These games may perform poorly on PCs because of lack of optimization. However, the scenario is changing as the industry has witnessed a surge in PC gaming. This has prompted the parallel release of games for both gaming consoles and PCs.
  • Gamers can play only dedicated games on consoles. PCs can be made compatible with any game by some amount of tweaking by the gamer. Indie games industry is thriving as the number of PC gamers is rising thereby effectively increasing the number of games available for PCs.
  • The life of a gaming console can last a generation as the game publishers release console compatible games from time to time. The PCs become obsolete in no time and they need an upgrade to be compatible with new games at an additional cost.
  • Gaming consoles cannot compete with PCs in graphics quality. The hardware of a PC can outperform the gaming console.
  • PC gamers can choose how they play games. PC gamers can choose either the keyboard and the mouse or the controllers as in consoles. Some games are better played with a keyboard and mouse. Gaming consoles have limited choice in this.
  • Most gaming consoles are designed to be played on the TV, which can hog most of the TV time, annoying others who share the TV. PCs games can be played either on TV or on feature-filled monitors. PCs can take advantage of the ultra wide screen of the monitors. Often console games are not designed for ultra wide screens.

The choice between gaming consoles and PCs are very subjective. It is purely based on individual preferences. Often tech-savvy gamers vote for PCs.