Reasons for hair loss and its  treatment

Reasons for hair loss and its treatment

The hair is an interesting organ of the body. It generates itself. Hair grows on every part of the body except on the lips, palms, and soles. Hair loss is a very common problem and happens when hair growth is disrupted. You take hair for granted with just the regular shampoo, conditioning or maybe oiling once in a while. The hair, in fact, reflects the condition of the body overall. There are certain hair loss products that help combat the issue.

Hair grows through several stages which are as follows:

  • Anagen is the beginning of the hair growth.
  • Exogen is the new hair shaft which comes out of the skin and the old hair falls out.
  • Anagen is the new hair shaft is fully mature.
  • Catagen is the lower two-thirds of the follicle shrinks and destroys.
  • Telogen is the withered follicle which sends the signal telling anagen to start the process again.

Losing hair is a normal process of growth and replacement. Hair follicles follow a pattern of growth and rest cycle which is non-synchronized. But these steps could get twisted and go wrong too. Hair loss can be prevented by using certain products.

The most common hair loss reason is old age. Nearly all men go through this phase of receding hairline. It is known as the male pattern of baldness. It is also called androgenetic alopecia and is caused by testosterone.

Older women face the same problem. Thinning hair is said to be due to sex hormones. Both in men and women, the hair follicles become smaller. It gets shorter and the resting stage becomes longer. Listed below are the extended stages of hair loss:

  • Telogen Effluvium
    Hair sheds a lot and for different reasons. There are times when many hair enters this stage all at the same time. This type of hair grows back after a few months.
  • Chemotherapy-Induced Alopecia
    Chemotherapy forces the follicles that are growing into the catagen stage. The shaft of the hair does not develop properly it breaks and falls out. After chemotherapy the follicles regenerate. Alopecia Areata happens when the person’s immune system attacks the cells that grow the hair bulb. This is an autoimmune condition and is called alopecia areata. The hair follicle is pushed into the catagen phase. The hair breaks and falls in patches. The hair regenerates after the immune system stops attacking the system.


  • Minoxidil fights alopecia in men and women. It is still not clear how it works. If used properly twice a day it slows down the hair loss. Two-third of men have acceptable hair growth after using minoxidil. Although the goal is to maintain the hair you have.
  • The other drug is Propecia which is only for men and affects the male hormone testosterone. Its side effect is it can cause libido.
  • Testosterone replacement has also become a popular therapy to grow hair but it may accelerate hair loss. Propecia might help — but because it prevents testosterone breakdown and may affect the hormone therapy taken.
  • Minoxidil and Propecia can also be used with hair replacement surgery. Once the medicines stop the hair loss begins again.

There are many treatments that are being developed and are still at the lab stage. In fact, citizens spend around $800 million on hair restoration surgeries each year. Apart from the various treatments, there are hair loss products that help in preventing hair loss.