Tips to live constructively with Parkinson’s disease

Tips to live constructively with Parkinson’s disease

Every individual affected by Parkinson’s disease has a different story to tell about their way of living because each one is affected by the disease in various ways. Whatever be the situation, one can learn to make routine adaptations that can improve the lifestyle and quality of living, at least at the initial stages of the disease. Here are some tips that can help patients build a more constructive life:

Start with regular exercising
It’s a well-known fact that exercising regularly has the impact of boosting one’s health. When living with or just learning to live with Parkinson’s disease, exercising adds in flexibility, improves balance, reduces both anxiety and depression, enhances muscle strength as well as improves coordination. However, it is important that patients get their doctor’s approval before starting with any form of physical activity because doctors can help align the patients with a physical therapist and pursue the best course of action for their health.

Some of the exercises that prove to be beneficial are walking, water aerobics, swimming, Tai Chi, gardening, dancing, and stretching.

Brace oneself from falling
One of the most common issues faced by those who have Parkinson’s disease is maintaining balance. This can prove to be troublesome as one is never sure when they would take a spill. Patients need to be all the more careful if they want to pursue exercising without hurting themselves. Some of the basic tips to keep in mind are to:

  • Never move too quickly
  • Ensure to step with the heel first
  • Not keep looking down when one walks
  • Ensure to keep the posture straight when moving around
  • Make a U-turn and not pivot when one wants to turn
  • Not try to walk backward
  • Not carry things that can make one trip easily

In the event that a patient has balance issues despite being careful, there is no shame in using walking aids like canes or walkers to help them move around safely.

Get some good sleep
One of the more troublesome things when having Parkinson’s disease is getting a proper and restful shut-eye. Patients should try to develop good sleep hygiene so that they can get rest. Some ways to do that are by doing the following:

  • Ensure to create a relaxing routine for going to bed and make that a routine for every night.
  • Ensure to develop a sleep schedule so that one falls asleep and wakes up like clockwork.
  • Ensure to be light bright to get maximum exposure to the natural light during the day. Also, one should ensure that their room is pleasantly dark.

Some of the other tips that can help make life smoother for patients of Parkinson’s disease are following a good diet plan to stay healthy, and more importantly, getting the support of others (family and friends) and expanding the team of medical help.