What is the human papilloma virus
The human papilloma virus (HPV) is the most commonly transmitted STD (sexually transmitted disease). HPV is usually considered not dangerous and goes away naturally after some time, but it can potentially develop into a cancer or even genital warts. There are more than two hundred different types of papilloma virus, out of which around forty can affect the genital area like vulva, cervix, vagina, penis, anus, rectum, and scrotum. HPV can even affect the mouth and the throat. The above-mentioned types spread mostly through sexual contact whereas plantar warts and warts on the hand aren’t transmitted sexually.
Genital HPV is the most common and most people get genital HPV once in their life. People with HPV don’t show any kind of symptoms and feel totally fine and healthy, which is why they fail to diagnose the infection. Most HPV types are harmless and get cured on their own. Some types of HPV can develop into a genital wart or even a cancer. It is known that type 6 and 11 are the two responsible for genital warts. They are considered low risk HPV as they don’t develop in a cancer or any other serious health issue.
A dozen types of HPV have been known to develop into cancer out of which type 16 and 18 are the most potent that can develop into cancer. These are considered as high-risk HPV. Cervical cancers are mostly related to HPV although HPV can lead to cancer in mouth, throat, penis, vagina, anus, and vulva. Although HPV doesn’t have a cure yet, there are many things that can be done to prevent the virus from doing any harm to the body.
HPV spreads during sexual skin to skin contact with someone already having HPV. When an individual’s vagina, vulva, penis, cervix, or anus comes in contact with the mouth or throat of his or her sexual partner during sex, HPV is transmitted even if there is no sexual intercourse.
The problem with high risk HPV is it doesn’t exhibit any kind of symptom, thus making it really hard to diagnose at the beginning. In most of the cases, cancer can be cured if located at the earliest prior to it spreading to different parts. Types of cancer associated to HPV and their symptoms are as follows:
- Penile cancer: Change in color and thickness of the skin on the penis, and the penis becomes sore.
- Anal cancer: Changes in bowel habit, itching, bleeding, discharge are some of the symptoms.
- Vulva cancer: Changes in color and thickness of the skin on the vulva with chronic pain and itching are some of the symptoms. Sometimes there is even a lump formation.
- Throat cancer: Lump of mass in the neck, sore throat, ear pain that doesn’t go away, pain in swallowing, constant coughing, and sudden weight loss are some of the symptoms.